2 - 34 TAC Fighter Septembe 1967- October 1968"> 2 - 34 TAC Fighter Septembe 1967- October 1968"> 2 - 34 TAC Fighter Septembe 1967- October 1968"> 82 - 34 TAC Fighter Septembe 1967- October 1968
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34th Tactical Fighter Squadron - Thud Era

Korat RTAFB, Thailand - May 1966 to May 1969

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82 - 34 TAC Fighter Septembe 1967- October 1968

Tom Septembre: @tseptembre@aol.com

Hi to all of those I proudly served with during this period.

After spending two years teaching aircraft mechanics in the Air Force, I volunteered for Southeast Asia. I was a crew chief on two F-105's from September 1967 through the first half of 1968 before being assigned TDY to the EB-66 group at Takhli. From Takhli I was rotated back to the states from Japan.

One of my F-105s at Korat was Isaiah 6:8. I believe the pilot was Major "Digger" Odell. In the event anyone speaks to him, please tell him I have two pictures of him in the cockpit of that aircraft at Korat and would like to send copies to him.

To add to the below posting regarding aircraft returning heavily damaged, I remember the first aircraft assigned to me had no tail section due to major combat damage. One night we borrowed a good tail section from the engine run up pad. No one missed it.
I also remember our pilots coming back with barely airworthy aircraft due to new ventilation holes and pieces of wings missing. I do not remember the sam stuck in a wing but do remember other issues.
The line truck picked me up once to help with one F-105 I watched on touched down slid down the runway with no brakes and no drag shoot. I also remember the one that a wheel came off and slammed into the blast wall a few feet from me. I will never forget these nor in October 1967 when Isaiah 6:8 did not return.

On another topic, I am seeking to contact any of my fellow ground crew who had been successful in obtaining VA Agent Orange disability. Please respond by email.

Thank you for letting me serve with you. I am glad that you all have kept this page up.

Best wishes to all of the 34th this Holiday Season,

Tom Septembre,
Sgt. T43151C, USAF

Hi Tom, Thank you for your service and for sharing your stories with us. Take care, Jack

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