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34th Tactical Fighter Squadron - Thud Era

Korat RTAFB, Thailand - May 1966 to May 1969
F-105 JJ381

About Us

This site is dedicated to the United States Air Force 34th Tactical Fighter Squadron during what we will call the "Thud Era", the period at Korat, RTAFB, Thailand, when the squadron flew the F-105 Thunderchief. The dates were 15 May 1966 to 10 May 1969. After that the 34th TFS transitioned to the F-4 Phantom. The History section has a bit more detail.

Site Navigation

Main category links are shown in the Menu above to the right and some of those have sub-categories, also shown when clicking the menu. The Pictures category has several sub-categories that provide many pictures and F-105 histories of most of the pilots from this era. The Reunions category also has many pictures of more recent gatherings. Other pictures, names, and a few stories are scattered throughout the site.

Site Information

This site was created by former 34th TFS member, Jack Phillips (January - August 1967 and again January - December 1975).

We are open to suggestions and additions. Please use the Contact page to comment or make a suggestion for improvement. A Guest Book is also available to review and enter comments.

Credits - Thanks To These Folks!

  • Fellow 34th member, Homer Terry (RIP), for all the pictures he sent to get this started.
  • 34th alumnus Monty Pharmer for many pictures and names.
  • Dave McNeil (RIP) for his research and additions to the site.
  • Howard Plunkett continues to provide many details including F-105 histories on many of the pilots; his 34th TFS history (available on flash drive) is excellent.
  • The banner photo above is courtesy of Joe Sechler.
  • And of course, everyone else who has sent pictures & address information.

In Remembrance Of Those Who Served!

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