2 - Donald W. Revers"> 2 - Donald W. Revers"> 2 - Donald W. Revers"> 72 - Donald W. Revers
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34th Tactical Fighter Squadron - Thud Era

Korat RTAFB, Thailand - May 1966 to May 1969

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72 - Donald W. Revers

Donald M. Revers: mrevers@drs-ts.com

Please indulge me as I share a few personal observations about a modest individual whose historical exploits are recorded within the pages of this website. He would not recall this time as his finest but undoubtedly some of the finer hours.

As visitors here or elsewhere may have read, heard or will hear my father, Don Revers, has slipped the surly bonds. He now answers roll call with his comrades that went before him- he knew the "scarf" recorded the names of so very few.
Rest assured and take solace in that he staunchly defended and pressed home the mission of the both the U.S. Air Force and life's responsibilities until the end. His hand remained on the stick and the last ride in the beloved Thud was on the deck, burner lit and checking six.

If you find the time please share and pass along that Dad was immeasurably proud to be associated with all his comrades remembered both here and elsewhere. The promise being still kept is not to ever be forgotten, yet always sorely missed, and forever associated with the blessings of having shared life.

Respectfully yours,
Donald M. Revers

"Throw a nickel on the grass..."

Donald, Thank you for your thoughtful entry. Your dad may have flown west, but he will be long remembered by all of us. Our condolences to you and all of Don's family. Take care, Jack

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    Updated: Sunday, May 2, 2021

In Remembrance Of Those Who Served!

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