34 - Sam Armstrong"> 34 - Sam Armstrong"> 34 - Sam Armstrong"> 134 - Sam Armstrong
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34th Tactical Fighter Squadron - Thud Era

Korat RTAFB, Thailand - May 1966 to May 1969

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134 - Sam Armstrong

Spence (Sam) Armstrong: sarmstr251@aol.com

It's been years since I checked in. Reviewing the guest book tonight I am impressed how many maintenance guys posted and how you welcomed their input. We should never forget that it was a team effort. Thanks again for doing this. For all of us it was a significant part of our individual history for those of us who survived the 100 missions but also for the families of those brothers who did not. WWII had a"Greatest Generation" which our whole country acknowledges. But in a micro sense there was the Thud generation of which unheralded we salute.
Sam Armstrong
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    Updated: Sunday, May 2, 2021

In Remembrance Of Those Who Served!

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